Sunday 25 April 2010

Norfolk County Council Re-shuffle

­­­­­­­­­­­­NAIL2 (Norfolk against Incineration & Landfill) is intent on stopping incineration and landfill by raising public concern and awareness about the harmful effects on both health and countryside, and promoting Zero Waste as an alternative solution to waste.

Norfolk County Council re-shuffle see's Ian Monson Cabinet Minister for Waste, replaced by Ann Steward.

Will we now see common sense prevail and NCC opt for a more environmentally sustainable solution to Incineration also known as Energy from Waste?

Friday 26 March 2010



Saturday 29th March 2010
Time: 16.00
Email for Location:

If you live in Kings Lynn/area and you want to help stop the pending development of the Norfolk's County Council plan to build a Incinerator, and you are unable to attend the meeting please email us to obtain information on how you can help.

Saturday 17 January 2009

NAIL2 AGM 2009

The NAIL2 2009 AGM is to be held at Owen Barnes Room, Costessey Community Centre, Breckland Road (click for directions) on Tuesday 3rd February 2009 from 7.30pm onwards.

Please send items for the agenda to the Chairperson by the end of January.

Committee nomination forms are also available from the Chairperson by contacting Linda by the NAIL2 email:

Linda Mitchell
NAIL2 Chairperson
NAIL2 (Norfolk Against Incineration and Landfill)

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Welcome to our new NAIL2 blogspot

­­­­­­­­­­­­NAIL2 (Norfolk against Incineration & Landfill) is intent on stopping incineration and landfill by raising public concern and awareness about the harmful effects on both health and countryside, and promoting Zero Waste as an alternative solution to waste.

Welcome to the new Nail2 Blog spot setup to keep people informed about current waste management issues in Norfolk, in particular, proposals concerning incineration (sold as energy from waste [EfW], combined heat and power [CHP]) schemes or municipal solid waste being burnt to create energy and heat.

In December 2005 Norfolk County Council announced their plan to place a contract with Waste Recycling Group (called WRG, now owned by Spanish waste company FCC), to build a massive incinerator at the Longwater Industrial Estate, Costessey. A group of residents and local representatives decided it was their duty
to try and stop this plan. The campaign was named NAIL2, learning from the similar WRG experience of the Nottingham based NAIL group who have been successful in preventing the expansion of the WRG facility in Nottingham (the most polluting facility in the UK).

Following the successful public meeting in January 2006 held by the Evening News, NAIL2 was formed and campaigned in parallel with the Norwich Evening News (EEN) against Norfolk County Council's Contract A incinerator proposals, both NAIL2 and EEN were runners up for a WWF British Environmental Media Award, 2007 (BEMAS). The campaign appreciated support from Costessey Parish Council, local MPs and councillors, as well from Norwich City Council.

Present situation:
In January 2007 Norfolk County Council (NCC) decided against incineration being used in Contract A during the same week EEN and NAIL2 co-hosted a second well attended public meeting at Costessey, Dr van Steenis with Michael Ryan as speakers. Norfolk CC's decision that week
effectively defeated the WRG (Waste Recycling Group) incinerator proposal. A more acceptable alternative technology option was chosen instead using advanced mechanical separation and anaerobic digestion (AMBT) by local company Sustainable Resource Management (SRM). NAIL2 are largely supportive of this residual (EfW/CHP capable) technology type and proposal to win Contract A. Currently the proposal has passed planning and is at the financial close stage.

Currently Norfolk County Council is procuring residual waste Contract B to deal with the rest of Norfolk's waste that cannot be recycled or composted. Whilst the contract is anaerobically digestion (AD) PFI referenced, the county council has failed to rule out the use of incineration (either in EfW or CHP forms). Indeed it has been actively talking to 3 incinerator companies during the course of 2008.

Future concerns:
Nail2 has future concerns regarding residual waste Contract B or Phase 2, especially two sites named in the NCC's mineral and waste plan for Norfolk. The first is a site owned by Norfolk County Council and located on the Willow Industrial Estate at Saddlebow (WAS 65). The second site of concern is located at the Riverside Industrial Estate to the west of Kings Lynn and is owned by CYCLEVAL UK (WAS 05). These are marked on the UKWIN incinerator sites map for the UK.

Please e-mail us your concerns, feedback or to join us, on the following contact e-mail:

Video : Incineration : MSW EfW/CHP issues explained in the UK